The reasons your business should be blogging are not particularly complicated. There’s no need to dive down the rabbit hole and engage in an exhaustive study, regarding the merits of blogging for a business. Here is quick take — a reminder for some, and news to others, about the brass tacks of blogging for your business.

Six Simple Reasons to Blog for Your Business

At the most basic level, a blog is an easy, reliable, tried-and-true tool to help you educate, inform, and even entertain your client base about your business. Blogging offers a dual-pronged approach to communicating with existing clients, while introducing yourself to new ones. The good news is, if you don’t have time to maintain a blog, there are plenty of professionals who do. Lucky you, you’ve already found one just by landing right here!

So, why bother blogging or recruiting professional blogging services for your business?

#1 – Blog to Strengthen SEO

Original, creative and well-researched content will support your business’ SEO, consistently and effectively. The more quality blog posts you publish, the stronger your business’ online presence via unique content.

#2 – Save Yourself from Reinventing the Wheel

A clever blog post can be repurposed, excerpted, highlighted, and even shared in its entirety via social media channels and through email marketing. These are all just additional connections between you and your client base. Use them by leveraging thoughtful blog content, culminating in clear CTAs.

#3 – Storytelling via a Blog Supports Trust in Your Brand

By blogging on a consistent basis, you’re engaging in routine conversation with your audience. This not only lends your voice unique resonance, but it establishes that voice as an authority within your industry. Blogging can give your audience a glimpse behind-the-scenes — the kind of fodder that demonstrates you’re hard at work in the trenches, toiling away on behalf of your consumer.

#4 – Blogging Invites Engagement with Your Business

By updating your blog regularly, you’re creating a rhythm that invites participants into the conversation. You might even end a blog post with a CTA like “share your thoughts,” “leave a comment about your experience with x, y, z,” or even something like “tell us what you thought of this post.” The more engagement and interaction with your content, the more you’re likely to see your audience increase, with new visitors actually taking action on your website, rather than clicking out, back, or closing the window outright.

#5 – A Blog Can Clear the Content Fog

In other words, in order to maintain a blog that works for your business, you need to develop a clear strategy, based on your content goals. The first step requires creating a blogging schedule. The second (and this is where most businesses fail), demands the commitment to stick to this schedule.

#6 – Blogging Gives YOU Behind-the-Scenes Benefits

Tracking the analytics on your blog provides you with valuable information concerning how, when, and why your audience engages with your posts… or doesn’t. Paying close attention to these details can help you refine your business blogging strategy, thereby benefiting your brand’s content, overall.

Feeling better about blogging, with the exception of the time and creative commitment? Drop a quick note and let us know what your ideal blogging for your business looks like. Not sure? No worries… our team can help you strategize a plan and put it into practice ASAP.

The Brass Tacks of Blogging for Your Business

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