One of the constant challenges facing small business owners, especially around the holiday season, is the reality of restricted budgets. Sure, we’d love to have the funds to get really festive and celebrate our clients and colleagues, but the bottom line is not always bountiful. However, you can resist the Scrooge-like stance. It is possible to give back and still celebrate your clients this season through charitable giving.

Gift Good Works

There are certainly inexpensive gift-giving options you could consider this season. In fact, Forbes even suggests 4 Ways to Spread (Cheap!) Holiday Cheer to Your Clients.

But, rather than enrolling your clients in Clark Griswold’s Jelly of the Month club, why not make an actual impact where it matters the most to them? Get to know your clients better and stretch your funds further by connecting with a charitable contribution.

Make an Impact Across the Miles

Craft a charitable CTA in your next email and ask their opinions. Announce that your business is eager to give back this season and, to that end, you’d like their suggestions on which charities and nonprofits you should allocate your gifts. If your clients aren’t local to your area, ask if they currently give to particular charities where they are located and whether there are specific needs that need to be filled. Research their suggestions online and see about making a donation electronically. If not, just pen out a paper check in time to help their holiday needs.

Look for the Need in Your Neighborhood

Depending on where you’re located, you might not have to look far. For clients who do live and work near enough to your business’ headquarters, find out where they donate their money… and, maybe even more importantly, their time. Once you’ve isolated a local charity that perhaps represents the most pressing need in your community, sign up to volunteer and share invites with clients and colleagues. Make a day of it and get in the spirit of the season!

Sure, a few might view this invitation strictly for self-serving purposes, a chance to network with other business owners and prospective clients, but if everyone is working together to advance the common good, so be it!

Besides, it’s not a bad idea to bring business owners together and increase awareness about those issues in your shared community that need your attention and support.

As Henry Ford said, “A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business.”

Celebrate Your Clients through Charitable Giving this Season

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