How to Hyperlink

While writing a blog post the other day, I was adding links within the text and realized that I often hyperlink based on instinct. I began to wonder: is there a special formula or universal rule for hyperlinking within a blog post?

When I realized I had no answer to this question, I set out to find some general best practices for hyperlinking. A few months ago, we went over the basics of how to hashtag–now it’s time to find out exactly how you should hyperlink. 

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two bloggers working on laptops

Improve Your Blog with these 3 Tips

Blogging can seem like a scary endeavor. But if you’ve checked out our blogging for business post, you know that blogging is important for understanding your audience and growing your business. Still, if you’ve never blogged before or if you’ve been blogging for a while and aren’t getting the results you want, check out these tips for improving your blog.

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